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New Year, New You – As a resolution, be an active participant in your safety and maintain a training and shooting schedule. This January, find your way back to this page each week to find a new training tip!

TIP #1: Sight Alignment / Sight Picture

Proper sight picture – the target should be blurry behind the sights.

Sight Alignment Graphic

Quick Drill – While the firearm is cleared and unloaded, practice presenting to a target or point to a wall. Align rear sight of the handgun to the front sight to form one solid pictured. While sights are aligned, properly place over target keeping your focus on the sights and not focusing on the target.

As you progress, work on your speed of presenting to a target or wall, to then moving on to live fire.

Tip #2: Holster Drawing

To properly carry in public a holster is required by Section 46.02 of The Texas Penal Code and is supposed to have a level of retention wether it be OWB (Outside The Waistband) or IWB (Inside The Waistband). To practice your draw would be beneficial to understand the motion of the draw and to understand your gear before you use it. Establish a good stance (right foot back if right handed vice versa for left handed shooters) then properly grip your pistol in the holster  (high firm grip) – keep in mind the grip you start with, is the grip you are going to finish with.

Practice forming a good grip in your holster once a sense of proficiency is met then practice pulling from holster (while keeping finger off the trigger) orient barrel towards target at belly button level and join both hands while presenting at your target. Multiple reps make for proficient results.

TIP 3: Dry Fire (Trigger Control)

Focusing on trigger control will help you avoid flinching/bucking into your firearm into muscle memory to improve accuracy.

Quick Drill – Incorporating your sight alignment/sight picture, practice presenting to target (can be a point on the wall, piece of tape, target on paper etc.) slowly press trigger without breaking the alignment of your sights slowly release the trigger without completely taking off your trigger finger to find the reset of the trigger (return stroke).

Dry firing will help you find the “wall” of the trigger (all resistance taken in from trigger) for trigger manipulation and comfort in pulling trigger. This skill builder will help you from flinching/bucking into your firearm into muscle memory while practicing a smooth trigger pull to improve accuracy.

